unforgettable experience
The Lost city of the Incas, Machu Picchu, with no doubt the symbol
of the Inca civilization. The royal path that carried pilgrims and
authorized officers of the empire to the sacred city was "The
Inca Trail" as we know it now.
The way along this Andean path is a fascinating and unforgettable
experience. The Inca Trail is paved with blocks of stone and has
stone stairways, tunnels and wooden bridges and paths across rivers,
streams, beautiful valleys, warm cloud forests and cold highlands.
All this vision makes the visitor meditate about the intellectual
and grandeur of the Andean man whose highest achievement was the
Inca civilization.
The Inca Trail to Machu Picchu is part of an Inca roads system
of more than 30,000 kilometers that integrated the vast empire of
Tahuantinsuyo from southern Colombia to central Chile passing through
the cities of Quito, Ecuador; Cajamarca, Huanuco, Jauja, Huamanga,
and Cusco in Peru; La Paz and Cochabamba in Bolivia; Salta and Tucuman
in Argentina. There roads ran mainly along the coast and mountain
regions and in some cases they also reached the tropical mountains
in the Amazon forest as is he case with the Inca Trail to Machu
We invite you to follow the footsteps of the past in this amazing
adventure and live with us the experience of walking the Inca Trail
to Machu Picchu.
An unforgettable travel experience.